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Small Town.
Big Solar?
Size Matters!
Who We Are

We are a group of Staunton residents.

Some of us own property adjacent to or near the proposed solar facility.
Others live on the other side of town or downtown.

Some of us were born here.
Some have lived here for many years and some are recent transplants.

Some of us have been friends or colleagues for a while.
Some of us only met each other at City Council meetings last year.

All of us love this town, its beauty, size, and history.

We are concerned that this project is not in keeping with

all that we love about Staunton.

We don't claim to have all the answers.
But we have a lot of questions about this proposed project.

And we are concerned that the approval process did not comply with all
that we love about local government, transparency, and participation.

We have come together to inform our fellow citizens
and hold our elected officials accountable.

Six of Us
were plaintiffs in the legal challenge:
Park and Sandra Thompson
Ronald and Annie Dixon
Winfred and Carolyn Blackburn

Dozens of Us
have contributed to the effort
with donations of time, talent, and money.

Numerous Friends, Neighbors, Colleagues
and Complete Strangers

are supporting our efforts
by signing the petition,
attending public meetings at City Hall,
displaying yard signs and car stickers,
and offering information and advice.


We are the
Staunton Viewshed Alliance LLC

a Virginia limited liability company, formed June 14, 2023
to preserve the natural and historic beauty of Staunton, Virginia.

We are a local collection of self-funding neighbors
and concerned residents who question the wisdom
of removing 96 acres prematurely from the Bells Lane
Agricultural-Forestal District to build a utility-scale solar facility
next to the most scenic and historic land in Staunton,
including farmland, homes, and the graves of the town's settlers.

We are growing.
Join us!


Who We Are Not

We have been variously and oddly accused and dismissed
and would like to refute these erroneous, if amusing, labels.

We are not 'big oil.'

We are not 'outsiders'
or affiliated with any national group
or any Virginia group or anything in between.

We are not affiliated with any political party
nor are we all members of one political party.

We are not funded by 'dark money.'
We are not funded by anything but our own contributions
(unless you want to donate).

We are not anti-solar or anti-business.
We are not convinced utility-scale solar belongs in our small town.
We are not impressed with the business plan or the approval process
for this big project in our small town.

We are not giving up.
Join us!