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Small Town.
Big Solar?
Size Matters!


Challenging local government and big solar is expensive.

Bringing a legal challenge is even pricier.

But having utility-scale solar in our small town
could cost 
us all so much more:
locally sourced food,
beautiful landscapes, irreplaceable history,
and our health and safety.

We welcome contributions to the effort to oppose this project.
Click the button below to

Here is how we have spent our own funds so far:


Domain Names 45.85
Website Hosting: 4 months 99.92
Yard Signs 395.00
Street Signs 65.50
Car Stickers 322.50
FOIA Requests 168.38
Virginia Corporation Commission 100.00
Legal Fees 4,952.62
Total Expenses as of September 1, 2023 $   6,149.77
Labor, paper, toner, envelopes, and stamps: DONATED
Preserving Staunton's historic and agricultural viewshed: PRICELESS
Staunton Viewshed Alliance LLC
is a Virginia corporation that was formed June 14, 2023
to collect and pay funds required for the expenses incurred in the
opposition to big solar in our small town.
We are a new and local collection of self-funding neighbors and
concerned residents who have come together to question the plan
and the process for removing 96 acres from the Bells Lane
Agricultural-Forestal District to build a utility-scale solar power plant
next to the most scenic and historic land in Staunton, including
farmland, homes, and the gravesite of the town’s settlers.
Please note that we are not an official
501c(3) non-profit organization.
We are just local residents contributing to the cause.
That means you can't declare your donation
as a charitable gift on your tax return.
It also means you won't get doxxed or threatened
by the creeps who troll our facebook page, because
we aren't required to disclose who the donors are.
We do collect contact information with your donation
in the hopes we may be able to pay you back.
If our legal challenge is successful,
there is a possibility that legal fees may be reimbursed.
In the meantime, we will not share or sell your information.
Full disclosure: it's also possible that we may lose
this challenge and/or all funds spent on it.
So, we are all taking that risk.
Just like farmers risk their investments every year,
hoping for a healthy harvest.
Join us if you believe this is a better investment
than big solar in our backyard.

Click this button to
Thank You!
Questions? Contact Us Here
If you would rather donate anonymously,
you can go to a local Dupont Credit Union branch
and ask the teller to deposit the funds in the
account of Staunton Viewshed Alliance, LLC.
Keep your receipt for possible reimbursement
if the legal challenge is successful!