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Small Town.
Big Solar?
Size Matters!
Contact and/or Contribute


Help us keep Staunton green!

You can help in many ways!

Please consider joining our effort to preserve the beauty, history,
and quality of life in of our small town.
(Follow this link to see Who We Are, if you haven't already.)

We will add you to our mailing list and send you periodic updates --and invitations.
We will not share or sell your contact information and you can opt out anytime.

Or, if you have files to attach or just want to write directly, you can email to: SmallTownBigSolar@gmail.com

Thank you!   

Speak Up and Write it Down!

Encourage family and friends to sign the NEW PETITION
to prohibit dangerous battery storage in any
utility-scale solar installations.

Like and follow us on facebook, share the posts.

Send an email or a letter to the City Council, City Attorney, and other local leaders.
Click here for names and addresses.

Attend City Council meeting and Candidate Forums.
Ask council members and candidates to oppose big solar in our small town.


Show Support!

Put a sticker on your car or display it at work.
They're free! Just fill in the form below.


The legal challenge was costly and we continue to
incur smaller expenses to publicize this issue.
Contributions of any amount are greatly appreciated!
Click the button below to donate online:


Fill in the form below for more information on donating funds or other gifts
Visit the Donations Page for more information on expenses, etc.


Join Us!

Bring your ideas, energy, and talent to the cause!

Fill in the form below!

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