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Small Town.
Big Solar?
Size Matters!
Notes & News


The Plan

In February 2023, neighbors received notices from the developer
regarding a proposed utility-scale solar project
to be constructed on land registered in the
Bells Lane Agricultural-Forestal District through 2030.

The review and approval process has been
noncompliant with Virginia Code and nontransparent,
resulting in a precedent which threatens the
established protections of all agricultural districts.

The project would encroach on the viewshed of some of
the most scenic and historic land in the city
and is not in accord with the city's Comprehensive Plan.

Despite assurances by the developer and statements
by the city Planning Department to the contrary,
the final documents submitted and approved
specify utility-scale battery storage on the property,
which is a
 safety hazard to nearby homes and farms.

A majority of the members of City Council
ignored these facts and, on June 22, voted 5-2 to approve
the application for a Special Use Permit and a Siting Agreement
for a utility-scale solar facility to be built on 96 acres of land
adjacent to historic farmland and residential neighborhoods.

The Challenge

As neighbors whose rights, property values, and safety
are jeopardized by this proposed project,
six residents filed a civil complaint in Staunton Circuit Court:

Park & Sandra Thompson
Ron & Annie Dixon
Winfred & Carolyn Blackburn

with the support of the
Staunton Viewshed Alliance
a group of concerned residents
who have come together to inform our fellow citizens
and hold our elected officials accountable.

Although the legal challenge was dismissed,
it did get some issues on the record,
including the developer's statement that
the batteries have been removed from the project.


The Continuing Efforts

Staunton Viewshed Alliancea group of concerned residents
continues to oppose the project.

PETITION to prohibit battery storage,
--as the developer and city promised but never corrected in their paperwork--
has been drafted and is being circulated.

We are monitoring the state permit application
and filing challenges with various agencies.


Please Join Us
in our efforts to Keep Staunton Green!